Leonardo Da Vinci's Life |
The Da Vinci Code RebuttalsWhenever religion comes into play, there is going to be debate. And there is definitely no lack of it when it comes to The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. The Da Vinci Code has gained many honors as well as criticisms. Some critics have gone as far as saying there are outright lies within the text and others have written books to “expose” the mistakes made by Brown. Some books that were written in response to The Da Vinci Code include The Da Vinci Hoax by Carl Olson and Sandra Miesel, Breaking the Da Vinci Code, Secrets of the Code: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind The Da Vinci Code. Brown’s book has also brought Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln’s book Holy Blood, Holy Grail back on the shelves.
Here are a few criticisms regarding “facts” from the novel: Claim: Prior to AD 325, Jesus was considered no more than a “mortal
prophet” and it was only because of a close vote at the First Council
of Nicaea with Emperor Constantine that Christianity came to view Jesus
as divine. Claim: 5 million women were burned by the Church as witches. Claim: The original Olympics were held in honor of Aphrodite Claim: Gothic architecture was designed by the Knights Templars
to record the secret of the sacred feminine. Claim: Depicting the Templars as builders, guild-founders and
secret bearers. Claim: Portrayal of Priory of Sion as an ancient organization. Claim: Suggestion that the churches used by the Templars were
built round and that roundness was considered an insult by the Church. Claim: The Mona Lisa was a self-portrait Claim: The Olympic symbol of the 5 rings is a secret tribute to
the goddess
Da Vinci's Life - Leonardo Da Vinci - Biography 1452-1500 - Biography 1500-1519 - The Leonardo Timeline - Rebuttals Paintings - The
Mona Lisa - The Last Supper - Vitr Works - Paintings - Inventions - Behind the Inventions - Sculptures - Parachute - Tank - Drawings - Books - Quotes - Videos Books & Movies - The Da Vinci Code Book - The Da Vinci Code Movie - Angels & Demons Movie Articles - The Da Vinci Code Movie Stirs up Controversy - Angels & Demons Movie - Da Vinci Code Tour - Da Vinci Painting Technique