Leonardo Da Vinci's Life |
Da Vinci The Artist
Having lived until the age of 67, Leonardo experienced a very long career that was filled with times during which the painter was celebrated, but at times he was also humiliated and cast away. His life experiences all influenced his works and often, his paintings never left the sketchpad, or were only partially completed, as Leonardo often abandoned his commissions in order to flee from social situations. Today, there are records of only few Da Vinci paintings, and 20 notebooks. Thankfully, these works have been preserved over the hundreds of years since Leonardo's time, and while his works are scattered in different areas of the globe, everyone can enjoy Da Vinci through the numerous books detailing his life, or through any of the many Da Vinci posters that have been printed.
Beyond the purchase of a book of paintings or Da Vinci posters or prints, there are many resources and much literature detailing Leonardo's life. But for those who want a quick study, The Leonardo Timeline offers a glance through the artist's life, while the biography section of this site offers a more detailed view of Leonardo Da Vinci and what shaped the man and his many talents. Also learn about Leonardo Da Vinci inventions, Leonardo Da Vinci Sculptures, and Mona Lisa History.
Da Vinci's Life - Leonardo Da Vinci - Biography 1452-1500 - Biography 1500-1519 - The Leonardo Timeline - Rebuttals Paintings - The
Mona Lisa - The Last Supper - Vitr Works - Paintings - Inventions - Behind the Inventions - Sculptures - Parachute - Tank - Drawings - Books - Quotes - Videos Books & Movies - The Da Vinci Code Book - The Da Vinci Code Movie - Angels & Demons Movie Articles - The Da Vinci Code Movie Stirs up Controversy - Angels & Demons Movie - Da Vinci Code Tour - Da Vinci Painting Technique