Leonardo Da Vinci's Life |
Da Vinci’s Alarm ClockThe fact that Leonardo never put restrictions on his inventiveness is marked by the wide range of inventions he sketched and the number of years he spent on ideas for water-powered machines. Given the volume of seawater encompassing him while living in Italy, it was perhaps inevitable that a steady wave of aquatic-based creations would flow from his brilliant mind, including Da Vinci’s personal alarm clock, a highly-unsophisticated and rather rough mechanism.
The writings found in Da Vinci’s Codex Madrid manuscripts convey his relentless fascination with time-keeping devices. Taking into account the ongoing interest in the practice of tracking time during the Da Vinci era, and the Renaissance man’s obvious curious nature, it is not surprising that an alarm clock would greatly entertain Leonardo’s mind as a practical concept. Although he created several different designs, including the sand clock, his signature time-measuring instrument was arguably the water-operated clock with its integrated wake-up system. Rise and ShineThe operation of Leonardo’s alarm clock, or “water clock” was quite elementary. Based on his diagrams, the device would trigger an alarm by the simple collection of a set quantity of water dropping into a reservoir at brief intervals. Once the container was full, it would overspill into another container which, when full, would activate a series of levers that would suddenly prop his feet up into midair, stirring him awake. In order to be fairly accurate, designing the clock required the study of space and motion. Leonardo first examined the various flow patterns inherent to water, and the fluid’s natural course when released in increments from specified heights onto surfaces set at different angles. Grasping these principles was key to securing his clock’s time-keeping abilities.
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